simon口语天天练| Get ugly

simon口语天天练| Get ugly

2016-07-29    03'26''

主播: Simon✨

141 1

get,动词,变得 ugly,形容词,丑的,丑陋的,不好看的。 Get ugly,闹僵了,闹得很不愉快。 他俩相处不来,我怕在会上会闹得很僵。 They don’t get along with each other. I am afraid things are going to get ugly in the meeting. 她们几年前还是好朋友,一次吵架之后就闹得很不愉快了。 They were good friends years ago, but got so ugly after one fight. 如果你开始吼你的女朋友,事情就会不妙了。 If you start to yell at your girlfriend, things are going to get ugly.