口语天天练|Guess what?

口语天天练|Guess what?

2016-05-11    02'55''

主播: Simon✨

214 9

guess:动词,猜测,猜想 你猜怎么了,你们猜怎么着了,你们猜发生了什么 一般用来引出说话内容,用来引起别人的注意,勾起别人的好奇心。 你猜怎么着,我们今天不用加班了! Guess what? We don't have work extra hours today! work extra hours:加班 你猜发生啥了,我在机场碰见我最喜欢的演员了! Guess what? I ran into my favorite actor at the airport! 她十分生气地冲出房间,但是你猜后来怎么着了,她一会儿就什么都没发生似的回来了。 She stormed out of the room. But guess what, she returned later as if nothing had happened. (storm: 冲出;as if: 就好像,仿佛)