simon口语天天练| Keep it to yourself!

simon口语天天练| Keep it to yourself!

2016-07-20    03'02''

主播: Simon✨

100 7

keep, 及物动词,保持,保留, Keep it to yourself. 你自己知道就行了,不要告诉别人,不要和别人说,保密。 我马上要出国了,但不想所有人都知道。你不要和别人说。 I am about to leave this country but I don't want everyone to know it. So, keep it to yourself. 我不想大家知道我升职了,你不要和别人说,好吧? I don't want people to know I got promoted. Just keep it to yourself, ok? 我给我女朋友秘密策划了一个生日派对,不过还有一周。你能帮我保密吗? I've planned a secret birthday party for my girlfriend. But it's one week to go. Please keep it to yourself.