

2016-11-11    05'02''

主播: 认真的狐狸

226 13

五分钟日常节目【英语好词好句随便听】 本节目由认真的狐狸及【黑料学习青春版】(insidelearning2) 每天推送。 愿你:找到彼此乐意相互妥协的人~ 【好词 】 compromise 【好句】 All classroom learning is, in fact, a compromise between the different needs of various students. 【好句分解】 compromise [ˈkɑ:mprəmaɪz] nc./vi.  (com-pro-mise) (Marriage is all about compromise.) classroom learning various  [ˈveriəs] adj. all kinds of, different 【福利】  Compromise is not an act of weakness. It demonstrates that you care for something or someone beyond yourself. You can compromise on principles.