

2017-06-05    31'25''

主播: 凯院TV

164 1

The World Of English 第20170424期 ————————————Steerner ————————————— Chances Must Be Grasped By Ourselves Fates Must Be Controlled By Ourselves Now,Smile...... Good afternoon,everyone. Here is the campus radio, the world of English program. I am your friend.... ——————————Carly Rae Jepsen —————————— Outlook : Looking for a job, looking for the queen 要工作,找女王,要求低,待遇高 导读:哈喽亲爱的听众朋友们,我们又准时跟大家来相约了,6月悄然而至,夏天已经向我们敞开了怀抱,暑假也就不远咯~很多小伙伴肯定会在假期里做做兼职攒些小钱,现在是不是在为选择做什么兼职而发愁呢?说到找工作呢,小编就有一个非常棒的雇主推给大家了,那就是英国女王,嘻嘻,不要以为进白金汉宫上班很难,放心,今天小编只推荐那些不需要高学历、硬背景甚至不看长相就可以拎包入职的岗位。而且啊,还能让你既度假,又赚钱~ 1. Mill shoe Division 磨鞋师 Wear shoes division is very low, on the 3: 35 yards, no odor, can endure hardship. The queen is now 91 years old, her feet can't make any mistakes and discomfort, so there must be special personnel to help her new shoes become big. Specific job responsibilities are very professional work flow, wearing a beige socks, then put on the red carpet back and forth, every 48 hours to wear. But this is not what casual shoes, leather shoes is 1000 pounds worth of paint, well, the queen is unshakable 50 years to wear a black patent loafer. 第一个要说的是磨鞋师,女王如今已经91岁,她的脚自然不能有任何闪失与不适,所以必须要有专门的人事先帮她把新鞋撑大,穿到不磨脚为止。这个职位的要求不高,就3个:鞋码35码,没脚臭,能吃苦。具体的岗位职责有着很专业的流程,工作时穿上米色短袜,再穿上鞋在红地毯上来回走动,每次要穿够48小时才行。而且这不是什么随便的鞋,是价值1000英镑的漆皮鞋,嗯,就是女王雷打不动穿了50年的黑色漆皮乐福鞋。 2. bath master 浴缸总管 If you still hate the work just too tired. Well, here's a more leisurely job, and the title is gorgeous, called the Royal Bath master. According to the Daily Mail reported that the British royal family will pay about 120 thousand of the bathtub master's annual salary, but also to eat packages, living in Buckingham Palace. Basically, you just press the bathtub plug every day, turn on the tap, check the water temperature, fill the water, and clean the bathtub at ordinary times. If the queen doesn't have the habit of taking a bath every day, you'll make a living. 如果大家还是嫌刚刚的工作太累,那么对于懒到尘埃里的你,这里有个更清闲的工种,并且头衔还十分的华丽,叫皇家浴缸总管。据每日邮报报道,英国王室每年会付给浴缸总管12万左右的工资,还包吃包住在白金汉宫里哦~基本上,你只要每天摁下浴缸塞,打开水龙头,检查水温,把水放满,平时再清理一下浴缸就行了。如果女王没有天天洗澡的习惯,你就赚惨了。 3. number Swan Commissioner 数天鹅专员 Consider the above position too put fine timber to petty use to you? There are several swans here. This position is not as funny as it sounds. The Swan actually has a lot of history. It since twelfth Century, Because all the swans in the public waters of England are owned by the queen , the Commissioner needs to be administered. Each year the third week of July, from Monday to Friday, the Commissioner and assistant who will be dressed in uniforms, riding the boat to the Thames, with a complex method of hundreds of swans, catch them and put them ashore to check the body count. 觉得上面的职位对你来说太大材小用?这里还有数天鹅的职位等着你。这个职位并没有它听上去这么搞笑,它源自于12世纪,因为英国所有公共水域的天鹅都归英国女王所有,由于数量庞大,所以需要专员来管理。每年7月的第三周,从周一到周五,专员和助手们就会穿着制服,乘着木船到泰晤士河里,用一种独创的天鹅喙标记法来数天鹅,数完还得逐个把它们抓上岸检查身体。 4. Ke hugs Commissioner 柯基抱抱专员 The last one to say is, "the Commissioner of pick hugs", after all, the queen is the heart of the queen, and there must be special people to take care of them. As a result, the queen has so far raised a total of more than 30, surrounded by people who have also changed several members, I do not know if the next one will be you. 最后一个要说的是柯基抱抱专员,毕竟柯基是女王的心头好,她上下车、上下飞机都得有专门的人“接应“这些柯基。算下来女王至今一共养过的柯基都有30多只,身边抱柯基的人也换过好几位,不知道下一个会不会是你呢。 哈哈,听完上面这些奇葩岗位,是不是觉得人生豁然开朗,想立刻合上电脑去看看外面的世界呢? ————————————Olly Murs————————— TV Time:《Transformers 5 》 看《变形金刚5》,醒神消暑 导读:听完了刚刚我们说的这么多新奇的职业,不知道大家有没有觉得我们的女王也是相当可爱呢。话说回来,暑假一定会是很多大片选择上映的档期了,那这个时候呢小伙伴们又会说,暑期档影院情侣太多,不过不要担心啦,今天小编在TV time准备的电影一定既解暑,又不跟暑期档撞车。那就是将于6月23日登陆全国院线的《变形金刚5》啦。近期还发布了最新的预告片,接下来就跟着小编一起去提前感受这部带感大作吧! In the latest edition of the Transformers 5 release, the deceived Optimus Prime determined to destroy the planet and increase combat effectiveness. After experiencing the bondage of the creator chain and the forced transformation, Optimus believed that his home had destroyed by humen, so he needed to destroy mankind and complete redemption. And the eyes were changed from blue to purple, which became an important sign of his defection. With the alien invasion of earth, after the mutiny as Optimus Prime is out of control, regardless of others even discouraged, and his best friend hornet strike violently. 在《变形金刚5》发布的“正邪难辨”版预告中,备受关注的当然是擎天柱黑化的内容了。被“洗脑”的擎天柱决心毁灭地球,不但战斗力暴涨,更是大杀四方。在遭遇造物主铁链捆绑及强制洗脑后,擎天柱坚信自己的家园被人类毁灭,所以要报复人类,完成救赎。擎天柱眼睛也由蓝色变为紫色,这也成为他“黑化”的重要标志。随着外星飞船大举入侵地球,“黑化”后的擎天柱仿佛已经失控,全然不顾他人劝阻,竟然还与自己的“老铁”大黄蜂大打出手。 This time, in addition to dealing with the Decepticons, the Autobots had to face battle and were strengthened by Optimus Prime, and the situation became very bad. In the process of fighting escalated, Lieutenant William Knox declared the end of the operation, give up the fight, but Cade still believe him, determined not to give up. When the face of evil Legion siege when Optimus Prime, but it is still the sword sweep away the millions of enemy troops, purple pupil, let a person feel the good ones. Mutiny in the final capable of awakening? What kind of entanglement did Transformers have with humans in the past millennium? More and more complicated plot, I am afraid that the film will be released before the rear can be untied. 汽车人们面临着内忧外患的局面,除了要对付霸天虎以外,还要面对战斗力爆表的黑化擎天柱。在战况不断升级的过程中,陆军中尉威廉·诺克斯宣告行动结束,放弃对抗。但机械师凯德依然相信这位曾经的人类盟友,不会放弃擎天柱。当最终面对邪恶军团的围攻时,擎天柱则霸气挥剑横扫千军,但此刻它依然是黑化后的紫色瞳孔,让人觉得正邪难辨。被洗脑的擎天柱能否最终幡然醒悟?千年来变形金刚与人类到底有什么样的纠葛?愈加扑朔迷离的剧情恐怕要到影片上映后才能揭晓答案啦。 ———————————Charlie Puth ————————— Our Life:Different sleeping positions, different dreams 不同睡姿,不同梦境 导读:刚刚我们说了那么多,暑假的兼职有了、电影也有了,这样的假期生活也变得十分丰富了。那美美的睡一个懒觉也是假期里不可或缺的差事了。最近啊就有各种关于睡眠的研究显,其中有一个就是睡觉姿势对做什么梦有很大的影响。如果你也跟小编一样喜欢做梦,那就好好听听下面这些睡觉姿势,然后想想自己的睡姿和所做的梦是否对应咯~ NO.1:On Your Side姿势一:侧睡 Bring on the puppies and rainbows, right-side sleepers! Right-side sleepers experience more positive and happy dreams and had fewer nightmares than left-side sleepers. Those who slept on their right were also more likely to report better quality of sleep than lefties. 第一种睡姿也是很多人最常有的健康睡姿,就是右侧躺。那么,朝右侧睡的人呢是会梦见小狗和彩虹的!因为啊,朝右侧睡的人会比左侧睡的人做更积极开心的梦,而且很少做恶梦。所以那些朝右侧睡的人比左侧睡的人睡眠质量更好。爱做噩梦又常常睡不好的小伙伴们就可以选择这个睡姿来入睡咯! NO.2:On Your Back姿势二:平躺 The study also mentions that those who sleep on their back experience dreams about vulnerability and feeling exposed — like showing up late for a final exam you forgot you had or suddenly being naked in public. Back sleepers also may have a harder time remembering their dreams, but maybe that's not such a bad thing. 第二种睡姿是最让人放松和舒适的平躺睡姿。平躺着睡觉的人呢梦里会比较脆弱或者有被暴露了的感觉。比如,梦到因为忘记期末考试而迟到或者突然在公共场合赤身裸体,这样一些比较尴尬的梦境。而且平躺睡觉的人也可能很难能够记起他们的梦,但这也并非坏事,因为如此
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