

2018-11-07    30'08''

主播: 凯院TV

315 1

The World Of English 第20181105期 ——————————Owl City/Aloe Blacc—————————— Chances Must Be Grasped By Ourselves Fates Must Be Controlled By Ourselves Now,Smile...... Good afternoon,everyone. Here is the campus radio, the world of English program. I am your friend.... ——————————Martin Jensen—————————— Out Look :A health drink of Coca-Cola 震惊!可口可乐居然推出养生饮料了!It is understood that this beverage is Coca-Cola's experimental product in the UK, called AdeZ, which is a series of plant-based beverages, and is also designed for young people. They are made with seeds such as almond, rice, and oats. Because it is not sugared or milk-free, it is a fruit shake as a whole. The main ingredients include various seeds, juices and vitamins. At present, the beverage has launched a total of three flavors: mango almond passion fruit, strawberry banana oatmeal, coconut berry. Each bottle is 250 ml. According to the designer, this is a drink suitable for walking on the road. The launch will provide a choice for those looking for more options for varied nutrition as part of a balanced diet, says the drinks giant. They also prepared a series of marketing activities for this purpose. In fact, Coca-Cola is also the trend of the times, because the United Kingdom launched the so-called "sugar tax" this year, aimed at improving the matter of health. As per the new legislation, from April drinks with 5g of sugar per 100ml will face a lower rate of tax, while those with more than 8g per 100ml will face a higher rate. The levy will only be applied to water-based soft drinks, while milk-based beverages and pure fruit juices are exempt. ———————————Ed Sheeran————————— TV Time:Hollywood past 双王组合《好莱坞往事》 The "century cooperation" between Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt, they will star in the movie "Halloween of Hollywood" as a double man. The film has been highly anticipated from the double male lineup, and the film's story is even more interesting. It is adapted from the real killing incident in the American film circle in the last century - the Manson murder case. In this horrific Hollywood murder, well-known director Roman Polanski was brutally killed in the mansion of Beverly Hills, with her eight-month-old glamorous female star Sharon Tate. Friends can't escape. The official has announced that the film will be released on August 9 next year, because that day is the 50th anniversary of the murder. In the film, The story will be carried out by their big star neighbors being brutally killed by the cult "Manson family". The character and story of the play, together with the director of Quentin, made the film a very high topic from the date of the announcement, and made countless fans look forward to it. ————————Maroon 5——————— Our Life:The strongest koi in the United States 美国最强锦鲤诞生 A single ticket has scooped the entire record-breaking $1.54billion Mega Millions jackpot following the draw on Tuesday night. Nothing is known about the lucky winner save that they bought their ticket in South Carolina. Under state law winners can remain anonymous, meaning we may never learn their identity. The prize makes them the richest lottery winner in US history, and likely marks the single largest lottery prize awarded anywhere in the world. In 2016 a jackpot of $1.56billion was offered in the Powerball draw but was split three ways, meaning the individual prizes were far smaller than Tuesday's draw. South Carolina state officials are now set to scoop up to $60 million in taxes from the win, while federal authorities will take more than $200 million. Gordon Medenica, Lead Director of the Mega Millions Group, said: 'The moment we've been waiting for finally arrived, and we couldn't be more excited. It costs $2 to play the game, but the odds of matching all six numbers and taking home the grand prize is a remote 1 in 302.5 million. —————————————Vox Angeli—————————— Follow Me:Lucky charms that you don't know 那些你不知道的辛运符 In the ancient English culture and customs, it is said that the hare is a sinful eye, and only those who have a hare's hind foot can face its gaze. And there are legends in the UK that a long time ago, the Queen of Warriors from Norfolk in the East of England, when fighting the Roman Empire army that invaded his kingdom, carried a hare with him to ensure that the battle would win. This legend makes people believe that the hare has incredible magic. Although after the 6th century AD, this worship of the hare eventually stopped. But there are still many British people with rabbit feet in their pockets or purses. The second one is to introduce you to the old boots. It is said that the old boots or shoes can retain the virtues and courage of their owners. Therefore, people in Europe and the United States in the past usually think that old boots are a lucky charm. For example, if a fisherman catches not a fish but an old boots, people will think that after the day, the fisherman will catch a large number of fish and return home. In the north of England, the sailors’ wives usually throw old boots or old shoes toward the departing ships to protect their husbands. Some people even put old boots on the roof of the old house to drive away evil spirits. No.3Horseshoe 马蹄铁 In addition to rabbit feet and old boots, horseshoes are also seen as a lucky charm in foreign cultures. It is similar to the symbols of luck in other cultures, such as the new moon, semi-circle or "U" shape. The new moon or "U" shape is often considered a symbol of fertility and fertility, and it also has the magic to drive away evil spirits. Because horseshoes are iron products used on horses, they are also seen as related to strength and power. People usually nail the horseshoes on the door of the house to protect their families from uninvited guests such as wizards or evil spirits. No.4Wood 木头 The last thing to introduce to everyone is wood. As early as the pagan age, the tree was regarded as a sacred symbol of immortality. After praying for the blessing of the gods, people will touch the tree to show respect for the gods; or after praying for fulfillment, touch the tree to express gratitude to the gods.After the British converted to Christianity, people still believed that the tree was a sacred thing, because Jesus was crucified on a wooden cross. People at the time wore wooden crosses and often touched them to show remorse. ———————————The Script—————————— Melody:The Script—— 这首歌发行于2012年8月,在2013年取代Nickelback的When We Stand Together,成为了CCTV 5《天下足球》节目的片尾曲。歌曲旋律流畅,充满了励志元素。背景音乐里隐隐约约的钢琴声更是在鼓舞人的同时带来了一种温馨的感受。
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