每天一首英文儿歌——《Animal Fair》(动物展览会)

每天一首英文儿歌——《Animal Fair》(动物展览会)

2016-01-16    01'06''

主播: Annie妈妈的睡前故事

2120 4

小朋友们,你们去过动物园吗?你们喜欢动物园里的各种动物吗?能告诉Annie妈妈你们都知道哪些动物? 今天,就让我们听听这首Animal Fair(动物展览会),看看歌里的动物们都在做什么! Animal Fair(动物展览会) 歌词: I went to the animal fair 我去了个动物展览会 The birds and the beasts were there 那里有鸟和走兽 The big baboon by the light of the moon was combing his auburn hair 月光下的大狒狒在梳理它红褐色的毛发 The monkey he got drunk and sat on the elephant's trunk 猴子醉了,它坐在大象的鼻子上面 The elephant sneezed and fell on his knees and that was the end of the monk 大象打了个喷嚏,跪地倒下,猴子就这样完了 Said a flea to a fly in the flue 在管道里面,一只跳蚤和一只苍蝇在对话 Said the flea, "Oh, what shall we do?" 跳蚤说,“噢,我们应该怎么做?” Said the fly, "Let us flee!" 苍蝇说,“我们一起逃亡吧!” Said the flea, "Let us fly!" 跳蚤说,“我们一起飞吧!” So they flew through a flaw in the flue 所以他们从管道的一个缺口里飞出去了 I went to the animal fair 我去了个动物展览会 The birds and the beasts were there 那里有鸟和走兽 The big baboon by the light of the moon was combing his auburn hair 月光下的大狒狒在梳理它红褐色的毛发 The monkey he got drunk and sat on the elephant's trunk 猴子醉了,它坐在大象的鼻子上面 The elephant sneezed and fell on his knees and that was the end of the monk 大象打了个喷嚏,跪地倒下,猴子就这样完了 The monk, the monk, the monk 猴子,猴子,猴子 想听更多故事欢迎关注微信公众号“HoneySweetDreams”——Annie妈妈的睡前故事,每天一个有声睡前故事,并且推送一首英文儿歌! 声明: Annie妈妈的所有作品仅供学习交流之用,作品版权归各唱片公司或原作品作者个人所有,不可用于商业盈利用途,否则一切后果自行承担,本人不承担任何法律责任!