每天一首英文儿歌——《The farmer in the dell》

每天一首英文儿歌——《The farmer in the dell》

2016-02-20    01'32''

主播: Annie妈妈的睡前故事

261 2

《The farmer in the dell》 歌词: The farmer in the dell 农夫在小溪谷 The farmer in the dell 农夫在小溪谷 Hi-ho, the derry-o 嗨噢…… The farmer in the dell 农夫在小溪谷 The farmer takes a wife 农夫带着他的妻子 The farmer takes a wife 农夫带着他的妻子 Hi-ho, the derry-o 嗨噢…… The farmer takes a wife 农夫带着他的妻子 The wife takes a child 妻子带着小孩 The wife takes a child 妻子带着小孩 Hi-ho, the derry-o 嗨噢…… The wife takes a child 妻子带着小孩 The child takes a nurse 小孩带着一个保姆 The child takes a nurse 小孩带着一个保姆 Hi-ho, the derry-o 嗨噢…… The child takes a nurse 小孩带着一个保姆 The nurse takes a dog 保姆带着一条狗 The nurse takes a dog 保姆带着一条狗 Hi-ho, the derry-o 嗨噢…… The nurse takes a dog 保姆带着一条狗 The dog takes a cat 狗带着一只猫 The dog takes a cat 狗带着一只猫 Hi-ho, the derry-o 嗨噢…… The dog takes a cat 狗带着一只猫 The cat takes a rat 猫带着一只老鼠 The cat takes a rat 猫带着一只老鼠 Hi-ho, the derry-o 嗨噢…… The cat takes a rat 猫带着一只老鼠 The rat takes a cheese 老鼠带了一块奶酪 The rat takes a cheese 老鼠带了一块奶酪 Hi-ho,The derry-o 嗨噢…… The rat takes the cheese 老鼠带了一块奶酪 The cheese stands alone 奶酪自己一个人 The cheese stands alone 奶酪自己一个人 Hi-ho,The derry-o 嗨噢…… The cheese stands alone 奶酪自己一个人 想听更多故事欢迎关注微信公众号“HoneySweetDreams”——Annie妈妈的睡前故事,每天一个有声睡前故事,并且推送一首英文儿歌! 声明: Annie妈妈的所有作品仅供学习交流之用,作品版权归各唱片公司或原作品作者个人所有,不可用于商业盈利用途,否则一切后果自行承担,本人不承担任何法律责任!