每天一首英文儿歌——《Music Box》(音乐盒)

每天一首英文儿歌——《Music Box》(音乐盒)

2016-03-28    02'16''

主播: Annie妈妈的睡前故事

300 1

你们见过音乐盒吗?扭动发条,盒子里的芭蕾舞女孩就在音乐中翩翩起舞。 《Music Box》(音乐盒) I dream of a music box stands no one can see. 我梦到我有一个音乐盒,除了我谁也看不见她。 She turns around and around and dances only for me. 她转啊转,只为我一个人舞蹈。 She just gives music about dancing and singing for me. 她为我演奏舞曲为我歌唱。 Then I hear the melody and know of that be free. 优美的旋律让我感到很放松。 She dances and she sings and she had a good time. 她边唱边跳,她很快乐。 She smiles and she goes by me and with me that just fine. 她总是笑着跟在我身边,只要我们俩在一起就是很美好的事。 She plays and she sings and she kisses me this time. 她快乐地玩耍着歌唱着,并且亲吻我。 And little music box stand sell it one day be mine. 有一天我会拥有属于自己的小音乐盒。 I dream about a girl who sings and dances for me. 我梦到一个女孩,她为我歌唱为我舞蹈。 The love she gives me is that the friendly could be. 她给我的爱是那么的亲切。 She cause a selves of around and chooses kisses at me 她选择亲吻我而不是别人。 My little music box stands so that no one can see 我的小音乐盒只有我能看得见。 She dances and she sings and she had a good time. 她边唱边跳,她很快乐。 She smiles and she goes by me and with me that just fine. 她总是笑着跟在我身边,只要我们俩在一起就是很美好的事。 She plays and she sings and she kisses me this time. 她快乐地玩耍着歌唱着,并且亲吻我。 And little music box stand sell it one day be mine. 有一天我会拥有属于自己的小音乐盒。 想听更多故事欢迎关注微信公众号“HoneySweetDreams”——Annie妈妈的睡前故事,每天一个有声睡前故事,并且推送一首英文儿歌! 声明: ”Annie妈妈的睡前故事“所有录音系Annie妈妈录制,转载请注明出处,不可用于商业盈利用途。配乐、部分配图和儿歌来源于网络,版权属于原作者,若有不妥之处,请留言告知,谢谢!