Roses Whose Fragrance Can Sing

Roses Whose Fragrance Can Sing

2016-06-03    03'01''

主播: 慕空~喵

401 7

Roses Whose Fragrance Can Sing Author: Shijing (June 6, 2016) You said you had a rose garden Beautiful as in the spring I'm worried about Your roses too young and tender To be cut by a careless person To be given to another careless person You said you had a rose garden Hot and red as in the summer I'm worried about Your rose blooming like fire To be used by strangers like firewood To be given another stranger free You said you had a rose garden Fruitful as in the autumn I'm worried about Your rose golden and nice To be picked by a dream man So as to decorate another man's dream You said you had a rose garden White and cool as in the winter I'm worried about Your white rose To be collected by lovers To be shaped into another lover Send you roses Hands are fragrant Dear, I'd love to Look after your rose garden, And to guard your heart with love for my whole life! 《玫瑰·香诵》 文/诗境 你说你有一个玫瑰园 里面住着春天… 我担心 你的玫瑰娇嫩 会被无心人采摘 送给另一个无心人 你说你有一个玫瑰园 里面住着夏天 我担心 你的玫瑰火热 会被陌生人取暖 温热另一个陌生人 你说你有一个玫瑰园 里面住着秋天 我担心 你的玫瑰金黄 会被有梦人裁剪 装饰另一个有梦人 你说你有一个玫瑰园 里面住着冬天 我担心 你的玫瑰雪白 会被有情人收集 堆成另一个有情人 赠君玫瑰 手有余香 爱人 我愿一生 守护你心灵的玫瑰园… (2016.6.6)