

2017-04-14    14'12''

主播: Emi人儿

1238 24

特殊疑问词 Where 在哪里?on/ in/ under… Where is it? It is on the desk. Where are they? They are on the desk. Who 谁?人名/家庭成员 Who is he? He is Eric. / He is my father. Who are they? They are my parents. Whose 谁的?my /your /their/'s Whose dress is it? It is my dress. / It is Emily's. Whose dresses are they? They are my dresses. They are Emily's. What 什么?食物 / 物品 What is it / this / that? It is a lamp. What are these / those? They are lamps. What time 几点?o'clock What time is it? It is one o'clock. What colour 什么颜色?red /blue… What colour is it? It is red. How old 几岁?one /two… How old are you? I am ten. How old is she? She is ten. 请写出特殊疑问词答句中的关键词 What Where Who Whose What time What colour How old 选择 Where …? ☃…red… ☃…between…and… ☃…Emily's… Who…? ☃…on… ☃…father… ☃…Emily's… 答案 What 食物、物品 Where on in under Who Emily 家庭成员 Whose my your 's What time o'clock What colour red How old one two ☃…between…and… ☃…father…