【All the Way to New York City】——Rosie Thomas

【All the Way to New York City】——Rosie Thomas

2016-08-17    02'41''

主播: 梧鳴

107 4

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ All The Way To New York City I wish I could take you with me 多希望我能牵着你 All the way to New York City 走过纽约的大街小巷(一路奔向纽约) We could get an apartment there 我们会在那里租间公寓 Be closer to the families. 彼此像家人一样亲近 We could take my stationwagon 开着我的旅行车 And fill it to the brim 把它填到满满 And wave goodbye to all our lovely friends 挥手告别我们那些可爱的朋友 Never to returnagain 永远不再回来.... You couldwritefor picture shows 我想你可以给绘本写作 And I could get a job waiting tables 而我会在一所名人们都喜欢去的饭店 At a restaurantwherefamous people like to go 做一名服务生 We couldbuyold overcoats and walk through the snow 冷的时候,我们买件旧外套,穿梭在皑皑白雪中 All the way around central park 走过中央公园的每个角落 Our cheeks aspinkas wild roses 直到我们的脸颊都冻得像粉红色的蔷薇.... We could take the subwayhome 我们会搭乘地铁回家 And stare at our reflection in the window panes of thetrain 看着列车的玻璃窗倒映着彼此 And see how much New York has changed us 想象着这座纽约改变了我们多少...