国外收银员如何用 come to 表达:一共XX元

国外收银员如何用 come to 表达:一共XX元

2017-06-07    06'09''

主播: 英语君Sam

59 3

文/音频 · 英语君Sam 嘉宾Betty(美籍) Come to to approach or reach (a specified condition) 达到一个特定的状态 come to a boil 达到沸腾 come to a stop/halt 停下来 come to an end 结束 to make or reach (something, such as a decision or an agreement) after thinking or talking 通过思考与沟通达成或作出协议、约定等等 come to an agreement 达成约定 come to an understanding 达成相互理解 come to a decision 作出决定 come to the conclusion 得出结论 to result in (something) — usually used in negative statements 结果是…… (通常是负面的) never came to much 没有结果 come to nothing 没有结果 didn&`&t come to anything 没有结果 come to (an amount) : to produce (an amount) when added together 合计 The bill came to 10 dollars. 账单合计10美元。 对话脚本和完整翻译请关注 微信:英语君Sam 输入关键字:1767 便可获得!