卧槽是什么鬼--What's up?

卧槽是什么鬼--What's up?

2017-01-07    05'19''

主播: 口语黑科技

225 5

今日分享---生活口语打招呼 一般表达思维: How are you?(Hey/Hi/Hello) I am fine ,thanks,and you? I am fine,too! 别样打招呼干货分享: 提问: what's up?/How's going?/what's happening? 口语干货: 1.what's的ts发音技巧,ts发音舌尖靠在上齿龈;ts up习惯连读;up的p清辅音! 地道俚语回复: Not bad!还不错not 的t可以略读哦) Good还好! Very well,thanks! Great,how are you doing? Pretty good!非常好 积极回应别人: how are you doing? It is going well!很好! Just the usual;老样子; Just the same old same old;依然如旧! 口语干货: same old可以尝试连读,辅音加上元音的规律哦 年复一年的没有变化; 或者想跟朋友分享你的痛苦,比如: What's happening? 过的如何? I've been better! 不太好啦! What's wrong? 怎么啦? I just found out my girlfriend cheated on me! 刚发现女朋友劈腿了! 干货分享: cheat on sb:对某人出轨,劈腿! cheated on连读规律;cheated的t发音美音习惯有点d 发音! Found out连读习惯连读; 小伙伴们,今天的生活口语干货你get到了吗?期待你的留言和分享^_^ WE bring joys to your perfect life,What's up,everyone? 三人行口语趴️请开通了直播,想征求一下大家意见,小伙伴们有兴趣一起互动吗?