几百块你都不给我,I've got your number,小伙伴们,你造吗?

几百块你都不给我,I've got your number,小伙伴们,你造吗?

2017-01-11    03'31''

主播: 口语黑科技

304 5

今日分享--我知道你的心思/我知道你的如意算盘啦/我知道你想干什么 I have got your number! 我看透你的心思了(你想干嘛我都了如指掌) 口语干货: 1.美音got发音中o发音a; 2.got your:发音有一个重新组合规律:got的t和your的j组合在一起,t 和j的组合发音为tf,跟watch和cheap的(t)ch发音是一样的! 比如举例: 1.厨房对话(Kylie小妞): Rocky,I will cook and you wash up! Hmm,I 've got your number,you are just going to watch TV all evening! 温馨提示:Kylie看穿了rocky的心思打算,因为他想整个晚上看电视,所有只想洗碗! 2.Rocky向Iris借了200块,好几年都没有还,Iris就生气了;我们就有如下对话: Rocky,you can't fool me again!I 've got your number,You are never gonna(going to)pay me back! 呵呵,rocky压根没想过还钱给Iris,Iris知道rocky打得算盘,他就是赖皮! 哈哈,小伙伴们,I have got your number,all of you just want me to share more funny and interesting oral english,right?^_^ We bring joys to your perfect life^_^,如果喜欢rocky分享,欢迎点赞、收藏和转发给你身旁更多的小伙伴哦^_^ 口语干货; pay sb back还款某人;