

2017-03-03    04'35''

主播: 口语黑科技

151 3

地道俚语表达--被放鸽子;爽约啦! 1.Stand sb up: 失约某人,放某人鸽子: I'm so Sorry,I didn't mean to Stand you up! 啰嗦一下:mean to 有意;故意; 2.Blow sb off: Rocky,Don't Blow me off again this time! 这次不要爽约啦! 3.Bail on sb: bail on:放弃; Rocky,I was waiting for your coming for hours,but you bailed on me ! 4.No-show:失约之人; Rocky is a no-show today because he got sick ! 小伙伴们,Hoping you will not be the no -show in the eyes of your friends!Have a nice weekend to all of you guys^_^! 喜欢rocky的分享,不要吝啬你的手指哦,转发、收藏和分享,让身边更多小伙伴们加入我们!We bring joys to your perfect life