

2016-03-11    02'02''

主播: MrYang杨家成

32489 909

Hello everyone! I'm Jeremy. How's everyone doing tonight? It's friday night, are you guys out partying? Hope you have a nice weekend. Welcome to Daily English With You. 大家好 我是杨家成老师。 今天是礼拜五,你们出去走走吗? 欢迎来到英语客套话。 Tonight we're going to learn another very easy to use english phrase. 今天又要教大家一句非常简单的英语。 It's poker face, poker face 脸上毫无表情 How do we use it you ask? It's very easy, here's how. A: Hey Tom, what's up with that poker face of yours? B: My girlfriend left me today, she is with another guy. A: It's ok buddy, if she doesn't appreciate you then that's her lost. B: But she is my first love so it's very meaningful lor. A: It's ok Tom, you will find your love eventually! B: So sad ahhh! Poker face脸上毫无表情 Now you try, 一起说 Poker face, poker face Very good! And that concludes our today's lesson. I'm Jeremy and I'll see you next time. 这里是英语客套话, 我是杨家成老师。周末愉快哦! Good bye!