英语客套话-you are the air I breathe

英语客套话-you are the air I breathe

2016-03-14    02'20''

主播: MrYang杨家成

66517 930

Hello everyone, I’m Jeremy. How’s everyone doing tonight? It’s Chinese Valentine’s Day today. I wish you a romantic night tonight. Welcome to Daily English With You. 大家好! 我是杨家成老师。今天是白色情人节, 我希望你们可以过浪漫的,甜蜜的情人节。 欢迎来到英语客套话。 Tonight, we’re going to learn a very romantic English phrase. 今天要教大家一句非常浪漫的英语。 It’s you are the air I breathe, you are the air I breathe 你是我呼吸的空气 How do we use it you ask? It’s very easy, here’s how. A: hey baby, it’s Valentine’s day. I want to let you know you are the air I breathe. I love you. Here’s a surprise for you. B: Oh my god, is it a ring? A: No, but I got you 99 stinky tofu. B: You are a loser! You are the air I breathe 你是我呼吸的空气 Now, you try. 一起说 You are the air I breathe x2 Very good! And that concludes our today’s lesson. I’m Jeremy. And I wish you a good night. 这里是英语客套话, 我是杨家诚老师。 今天晚上好好陪你的爱人哦! Good bye!