

2016-05-27    10'06''

主播: 雅思女神 Alex

1842 169

Stereotype legend, rumor, myth and fallacy . Legend has it that the lake was formed by the tears of a god. Rumor has it, Jack cheated on his wife, but we don’t have clear evidence. Contrary to popular myth, women are not worse drivers than men. It is a fallacy to say that women are worse drivers than men. Myth 1: Everything in London is too expensive. London&`&s free museums are among the most impressive in the world。 Hostels Airbnb house-sitting Myth 2: The weather is awful. Myth 3:The food is bad. Any claims of awful food in London have to be a tall tale, or the source must be eating at all the wrong places. Myth 4: Britons Are Rude Myth 5: London is too big. Anyway, rather than jumping in a cab, map your day out so you can prioritize underground travel. Myth 6: The Locals Hate Tourists.