【探案集】The Blue Diamond 07

【探案集】The Blue Diamond 07

2016-03-08    05'00''

主播: Amanda_ZY

644 35

【节日小课堂】International Working Women's Day 国际劳动妇女节 · It is celebrated on March 8 every year. 每年的三月八日人们庆祝这个节日。 · respect 尊重 · appreciation 感恩 · love 爱 · economic, political and social achievements 经济、政治及社会领域的成就 ------------------------------------------------ Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Diamond 【原文】Chapter One --- An Old Hat 07 At that moment the door opened and Peterson the hotel doorman ran into the room. He looked very excited. "The goose, Mr Holmes. The goose!" he said. "What's the matter with the goose?" asked Holmes. "Did it come back from the dead and fly off through the kitchen window?" "No, Mr Holmes. My wife found this in the bird!" Peterson opened his hand. There was a beautiful blue diamond in it. 【详解】 · moment 时刻 --- At this moment a car stopped at the house. 就在此时,一辆汽车停在那座房子前。 · excited 兴奋的,激动的 --- I feel excited. 我很兴奋。 · What's the matter with ... ...怎么了? --- What's the matter with your friend? 你朋友怎么了? · diamond 宝石 --- This is a pair of diamond earrings. 这是一对钻石耳环。