【探案集】The Blue Diamond 01

【探案集】The Blue Diamond 01

2016-01-04    06'03''

主播: Amanda_ZY

1021 48

Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Diamond 【原文】Chapter One --- An Old Hat 01 My name's Dr. Watson, and I'm a good friend of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Two days after Christmas last year I went to his house - 221B Baker Street. I wanted to say "Happy Christmas" to him. When I arrived, I found him in the sitting room. He was by the window with some newspapers next to him. There was an old hat on a chair near him, and he had a magnifying glass in his hand. "You're working on something," I said, "Shall I go?" "No," said Holmes, "Sit down and look at that interesting old hat over there." 【详解】 · famous 著名的 --- The article is famous for a lot of reasons. 这篇文章如此出名有许多原因。 · detective 侦探 --- He is a famous detective. 他是一位著名侦探。 · sitting room / living room 起居室 --- I cleaned the sitting room yesterday. 我昨天打扫了起居室。 · newspaper 报纸 --- She reads newspapers every day. 她每天都读报。 · magnifying glass 放大镜 · work on something 努力完成某事,从事于... · interesting 有趣的 --- This is an interesting story. 这是一个有趣的故事。 · over there --- The kids are over there. 孩子们在那儿。