【探案集】The Norwood Mystery 08

【探案集】The Norwood Mystery 08

2016-12-06    08'06''

主播: Amanda_ZY

220 16

'I took the train to Norwood and arrived there at about nine o'clock. It was difficult to find Mr Oldacre's house on the Sydenham Road and it was nine-thirty when I at last knocked on the door of Deep Dene House.' 'Stop,' said Holmes. 'Who opened the door to you?' 'It was Mr Oldacre's housekeeper,' McFarlane replied. 'A woman of about fifty-five years.' 'And she told Mr Oldacre that you were there?' Holmes went on. 'That's right,' McFarlane agreed. 'She then took me into the dining room, where Mr Oldacre was waiting for me. We ate a light meal of sandwiches and fruit, then Mr Oldacre took me to his bedroom. There was a safe in the corner of the room, and Mr Oldacre opened it and took out a lot of papers. We looked at them together and didn't finish until about half past eleven. Mr Oldacre said that we mustn't wake up the housekeeper, so I left the house by the French windows in the bedroom, which were open. I couldn't find my walking stick, but Mr Oldacre said that he would give it back to me next time. 'I hope you will come back often.' he said. When I left, Mr Oldacre was in his bedroom and the safe was open. His papers were on the table. It was too late for me to go back to my father's house at Blackheath, so I went to a hotel called the Anerley Arms in Norwood and spent the night there. I knew nothing more about Mr Oldacre until I read the story in the newspaper this morning. And everything that I've told you is true.'