How's the weather

How's the weather

2016-07-14    01'39''

主播: 爱阅读开心妈

718 5

想和开心妈交流英文亲自子启蒙话题,可添加微信summer-laughter或关注微信公众号[爱阅读开心妈] 与日常结合:和宝宝出门后问问宝宝今天天气怎么样吧? 互相问,互相答,很有意思呢 How&`&s the weather? It&`&s sunny. How&`&s the weather? It&`&s sunny. How&`&s the weather? It&`&s sunny, it&`&s sunny today. 天气怎么样? 今天天气晴朗。 weather天气 sunny晴朗 today今天 拓展:sunny 天气晴朗可换成其他表示天气的词语,如 cloudy阴天, foggy有雾 rainy下雨,snowy下雪,windy刮风。雾霾天smoggy
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下一期: Row row row your boat