20160514 生活不完美,但可以很精彩 Life is Not Perfect

20160514 生活不完美,但可以很精彩 Life is Not Perfect

2016-05-14    01'11''

主播: 唐山悠贝美丽老师Amily

150 1

Life Is Not Perfect Go ahead with life as it is, with the bumps and pitfalls. However it is, give your best to everymoment.Don't spend your time waiting for the perfect situation, something which is not very likely tocome.Life is not perfect; the way you live can make it perfectly wonderful. Life Is Wonderful Face your past without regret.Handle your present with confidence.Prepare for the future without fear.Keep faith and drop the fear.Don't believe your doubts and never doubt your beliefs. Life is wonderful if you know how to live it.