

2020-10-31    01'28''

主播: 德成之声

220 2

The adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by mark Twain, is perhaps the most famous American novel ever written. Huckleberry Finn (or just Huck) is a teenage boy who has run away from home. His companion is Jim, a black slave who has also run away. The two of them are sailing down the Mississippi River on a raft when they say something in the water ahead of them... 马克吐温写的《哈克贝利费恩历险记》或许是最著名的美国小说。哈克贝利费恩(或简称哈克)是一个离家出走的少年。他的伙伴是基姆——一个刚刚逃跑的黑奴。他们两人正在密西西比河乘木筏顺流而下,突然他们看见前面的水中有情况……