英文诵读《I wish we are leaves 》by  洛马

英文诵读《I wish we are leaves 》by 洛马

2016-09-20    02'22''

主播: 温雅慧如

203 6

我希望我们是叶子 (中英双语) 我们是这些叶子 我希望吻你时有花朵 你吻我时有果实 ~ 你为春天孕育,我为火夏装扮 我们浮动于风 又沉默于无风 ~ 我们接受太阳雨露 返还清新 我们喂养它也滋养世界 ~ 当一切笃定了,我们就跑去秋天 像一个动作结束,另一个动作开始 而留给冬天的,是身后的影子 I wish we are leaves we are these leaves I wish there are flowers when I kiss you And fruits when you kiss me ~ You give pregnancy for the spring And I dress up for the summer We float with wind and be quiet when without wind ~ When we accept gifts by the sun the rain and the dew We give the fresh air in return And we feed it and feed our world too ~ When peace is coming, we walk into the autumn like one action ending and another one beginning And the shadows which left behind us are for the winter 20160530 骆马 C