如果(英文版)作者: 丁香

如果(英文版)作者: 丁香

2016-11-19    03'35''

主播: 迎春🌷~melody

37 1

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~《如果》  If By Ding Xiang Tr. Xin Meng Reciter: Ying Chun​​ 如果生活欺骗了你 不要悲观也不要绝望 去拥抱大自然 听风捧雨 行走于山林间​ If life deceived you You didn't need to be pessimistic or despair Go to embrace the nature Listening to the wind and holding the rain in both hands Walking in the mountain forest​ 看夕阳隐去它通红的脸庞 看落花被流水载去 看小鱼儿欢快的游曵在溪水中 此后 再听鸟儿啁啾鸣叫 看牛羊归圈,听人畜合奏的夜归交响曲 Looking at the red face of the sunset disappear gradually Looking at the fallen flowers are taken away by running water Looking at the little fishes swim in a stream cheerfully Then listening to birds chirping Looking at the cattle and sheep go back to their lair, Listening to the night-returning symphony played by people and livestock​ ​如果人心换不到人心 不必痛哭流涕 依然要用真心相待 毕竟 千百次的回眸 才能换来今生的一次擦肩而过 If your sincerity couldn't win others' hearts You didn't need to cry bitterly Still treating others with your true minds After all, Looking back for one thousand times You could meet a passerby in this life 如果生命无痕 也不必伤悲 来过就是幸福 努力了就不留遗憾 If the life had no traces You didn't need to be sad Having come to the world is happiness As long as you try your best there will be no regret