中年辞(双语版)作者: 太阳

中年辞(双语版)作者: 太阳

2016-11-28    04'16''

主播: 迎春🌷~melody

51 3

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~《 中年辞 》 ​The Words from a Middle-aged man By Taiyang ​Tr. Xin Meng​ Reciter : Ying Chun 我曾经像一枚落叶 捧起 云朵的乡愁 再坠入梦境   I used to like a fallen leaf Holding the nostalgia of clouds with my two hands Then crashing into the dream 我曾经像一条河流 远离故乡 身体里的水    无数次停在低洼处    仰望来时路 I used to like a river Being far away from home The water in the body Stopped in the low areas for countless times Looking up at the path which I passed by when I came 我曾经像一棵水草 抱住故乡 心跳像离别时忐忑不安 I used to like a waterweed Holding my hometown Heartbeat was so nervous and uneasy  As I left my hometown 我的故乡    该把琴弦摆在什么地方 你不忍转身的     是一个游子的 清愁 My hometown Where should I place the strings What you don't have the heart to turn around Is the sadness of a man far from home