大王狗与煎饼 作者:龙心

大王狗与煎饼 作者:龙心

2016-12-12    03'46''

主播: 迎春🌷~melody

67 2

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~大王狗与煎饼 The King Dog and Pancakes 作者:龙心 我正在灶前忙碌 大王狗在两丈开外 看着我,轻轻地吠​ I was busy cooking in the kitchen King dog was twenty feet away Looking at me, barking gently 那些烙制出来的夜色 抛起时,是一只月亮 落下时,成了大王狗的慌张 The pokered pancake in the night When thrown up, it was like a moon However, when falling, It became the king dog's panic 我向它招手,扔给它一块 它轻快地跑过来,闻了闻 又轻快地跑开​ I waved to the dog, threw it a piece of pancake It ran towards the pancake briskly, sniffed Then ran away lightly 跑回原来那个地方 还是那样看着我,轻轻地吠​ Running back to the place where it was  Looking at me as it did just now,  Barking softly