与你一起,走过似水流年 (重读)

与你一起,走过似水流年 (重读)

2017-01-12    10'01''

主播: 迎春🌷~melody

196 9

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ 《与你一起,走过似水流年》 作者:巴凌志 翻译: 桉树林 你是我今生的缘 我知道 没有前世,没有来生 我要紧紧抓住你的手 一起踏遍祖国的名山大川 我们去内蒙古大草原 骑着马儿驰骋千里 在野花的芬芳里唱起 父亲的草原,母亲的河 跳着热情奔放的舞蹈 我们一起享受白白的云,蓝蓝的天 我们去雪域高原 采摘纯洁的雪莲 踏雪寻找仓央嘉措的踪迹 读着他的诗歌 重温他的炽热纯真的情感 我们去宝岛台湾 攀登101大楼 见一见阿里山的姑娘与小伙 看一看外婆的澎湖湾 在歌声中与外婆相见 我们与外婆共同修建海峡大桥 让宝岛与大陆紧紧相连 我们在栆园颐养天年 在栆花的芳香中漫步 在蜜蜂嗡嗡的歌声中进餐 在射云红的栆林中酣畅入眠 与你一起,走过似水流年 《Walking with you as a fleeting wave》 Author: Ba Lingzhi You are the dream of my life, There is no past life, There is no afterlife, I just want to hold your hand, Visiting all well-known mountains and rivers of motherland. Let's go to Inner Mongolia prairie, Ride a galloping horse, Sing Father's grassland, mother's River in the fragrance of wild flowers, Dance passionately, Enjoy the white clouds, blue sky.   Let's go to snow-covered plateau, Pick pure snow lotus, Find traces of Tshangyang Gyatso, Read his poems, Feel his fiery pure passion.   Let's go to Taiwan, Climb 101 Building Watch Ali Mountain's girl and guy, Look at Grandma's Penghu Bay, Meet my grandmother in the song, Build a bridge across the strait with our grandmother, Connect with the mainland Island. Let's live in the garden dates, Walk in the fragrance of dates flower, Dine in the buzzing sound of a bee, Sleep in the forest of red cloud's dates, Walk with you as a fleeting wave.