05圣诞入侵- Am I Ginger?

05圣诞入侵- Am I Ginger?

2015-04-04    02'50''

主播: 大卫甜纳特

235 25

2005 Chrismas Special Episode-- The Chrismas Invasion 10th: You just can‘t get the staff.Now you, just wait. I’m busy...Micky hello!Harriet Jones...MP for Flydale North. Blimey, it‘s like This Is Your Life. Tea! That‘s all I needed. Good cup of tea, a superheated infusion of a free radicals and tannin..Just the thing to heal the synapses. Now..first things first. Be honest. How do I look? -Rose: Um...Different. -10th: Good different or bad different? -Rose:Just...different.. -10th: Am I ginger? -Rose:No, you‘re just sort of.. brown -10th: aw, I wanted to be ginger. I’ve never been genger. And YOU, Rose Tyler, good you were! You gave up on me. Ooh that’s rude..Is that the sort of man I am?.. Am I rude.. Rude and not ginger.. -Harriet Jones: I‘m sorry.. Who is this? -10th: I’m the doctor, -Rose: He‘s the doctor -Harriet Jones: What happened to my doctor? Or is it a title that‘s just passed on? -10th:I‘m him. I‘m literally him. Same man, new face. well, new everything. -Harriet Jones: But you can‘t be! -10th:Harriet Jones, we were trapped in Downing Street, and the thing that scared you wasn‘t the aliens, was‘t the war. It was the thought of your mother being on her own. -Harriet Jones: Oh my god! -10th: Did you win the election? -Harriet Jones: Landslide majority, -alien: If I might interrept? -10th: Yes! Sorry! Hello.big fella. -alien: Who exactly are you? -10th: Well.. That‘s the question. -alien: I demand to know who you are! -10th: I DON‘T KNOW! This‘s the thing.. I‘m the doctor, but beyond that I..I just don‘t know..I literally do not know who I am. It‘s all untested. Am I funny? Am I sarcastic? Sexy? A right old misery? Life and soul? Right handed? Left handed? A gambler, a fighter, a coward, a traitor, a liar, a nervous wreck?Judging by the evidence, I‘ve certainly got a gob. And how I going to react when I see this? Ah.. I great big threatening buttom.. A Great Big Threatening Button. Which must not be pressed under any circumstances, am I right? Let me guess it’s some sort of control matrix.. hold on.. What‘s feeding it?What have we got here? Blood? Yeah, definitely blood, human blood..A postitive, with just a dash of iron. ha,,but that means..blood control..blood control!aw... I haven’t seen blood control for years! You‘re controlling all the A positives. Which leaves us with a great stinking problem. Cos I really don‘t know who I am.. I don‘t know when to stop..So if I see this great big threatening buttom, which should never ever,ever be pressed. Then I just wanna do this! -Rose:NO.. ------------------------------------------------------ -10th:你怎么就不明白呢。现在你给我等着,我先忙。好久不见啊Micky!费蒙尔诺夫的首相Harriet Jones..天啊,感觉就像在看电视剧。茶啊,我正需要一杯好茶呢,超热的自由基和丹宁酸刚好用来治愈神经键。先来最重要的,坦白告诉我。我的样子如何? -Rose:就是。。不一样了。。 -10th:怎么不一样了?帅了还是丑了? -Rose:就是不一样了。 -10th:变成..金发吗? -Rose:不是。。就是那种。。棕色 -10th:啊,人家想要金发啊!人家都没试过是金发! 还有你!Rose Tyler,真有你的,就这样丢下我。噢,这样说太无礼了。我怎么变成这样无礼了?又无礼又不是金发帅哥。。。 -Harriet Jones:打扰一下,这货是谁啊? -10th:哥就是博士啊。 -Rose:嗯,他就是博士。 -Harriet Jones:我的博士呢?还是这只是个名衔,世代相传的吗? -10th:我就是你认识的那个,如假包换。同一个人只是换了张脸,简直脱胎换骨。 -Harriet Jones:这不可能啊! -10th:Harriet Jones,我们被困在唐宁街,而你唯一害怕的不是外星人,也不是战争,而是你妈妈孤苦伶仃。 -Harriet Jones:我的天啊! -10th:你赢了选举吗? -Harriet Jones:大获全胜! -alien:介意我打扰一下吗? -10th:噢不好意思,你好呀,大家伙。 -alien:你到底是谁? -10th:额,我们也在聊这个问题。 -alien:朕要知道你是谁。 -10th:我也不知道!事情是这样的。。我知道我是博士,但除此之外我什么都不知道。我真的还不知道我是谁。全部都未被证实,很可笑吧?我爱挖苦人吗?我性感吗?还是我的生命和灵魂都只是一个谜团?我是左撇子还是右撇子?我是个赌徒,还是战士,还是懦夫,还是叛徒,还是骗子还是神经病?这样说来我还挺多身份的。 诶,当我看到这个我该给出什么反应好呢?哈。。一个可怕的大按钮。这个可怕的大按钮肯定是无论发生什么事都不可以按的对吧?让我猜猜,它是一个控制台。等等,它里面的是啥? 这是什么?血吗?没错,是人血,A型还含铁质的。哈,那这就意味着,血型控制!哇,血型控制,我都好些年没见过了!你控制了所有A型血的人,那就留给我们一个棘手的问题了。因为我真的不知道我是谁,所以我也不知道怎么去停止。。所以看到这个从未从未被按过的可怕大按钮时,我就想要这样做! -Rose:别啊!