DW203-Everything Has Its Time, Everything Ends.

DW203-Everything Has Its Time, Everything Ends.

2015-04-25    01'03''

主播: 大卫甜纳特

158 20

-Finch: Imagine what you could do, think of the civilizations you could save. Perganon, Ascinta, your people, doctor. Standing tall. The Timelords.. reborn. 想象一下你能做什么。想象一下你能挽救的文明。 Perganon,Ascinta,还有你的族人,Doctor。重新站起来,时间领主,将要重生了。 -Sarah: Doctor, don‘t listen to him Doctor,别听他的。 -Finch: And you could be with him throughout the eternity, young, fresh, never wither never age, never die. Your life is so fleeting. So many goodbyes, how lonely you must be doctor. Join us. 还有你们就可以和他永远在一起了。年轻,容光焕发。决不变弱,决不衰老,决不逝去。你们的生命是多么的短暂啊。道不尽的别,你该有多孤独啊,Doctor。加入我们吧。 -10th: I could save everyone. 我可以救每个人。 -Finch: Yes. 是的。 -10th:I could stop the war. 我可以停止那场战争。 -Sarah: No, The universy has to move forward. Pain and loss, they define us as much as happiness or love. Whether it‘s a world or a relationship. Everything has its time. And everything ends. 别。宇宙必须向前走。痛苦和失去,那定义了我们得到了多少幸福和爱。不管是世界还是一种关系,万物都有期限,万物都有尽头。