DW204- Thick, Always bring a banana to a party

DW204- Thick, Always bring a banana to a party

2015-04-26    02'14''

主播: 大卫甜纳特

82 15

-Rose: They called him.. 他们叫他... -10th:#I could have danced all night...# -Rose: They called him... -10th:#And still have begged for more! I could have spread my wings, and done athousand..# Have you met the French? My god, they know how to party! 你们见过法国人吗?天啊,他们真是开party的小能手! -Rose: Oh, look at what the cat dragged in. The oncoming storm. 噢,你看猫王进来了,暴风雨要来临了。 -10th: Ou, you sound just like your mother. 噢,你说话的口气真像你妈妈。 -Rose:What have you been doing? Where have you been? -10th: Well, among other things.. I think I just invented the banana daiquiri a couple of centuries early. Do you know, they'd never even seen a banana before? Always take a banana to a party, Rose. Bananas are good. Oh, brilliant! It‘s you! You are my favourit, you are! You are the best. Do you know why? ‘Cause you are so thick. You‘re Mr Thick.. Thick..Thicketty, Thick-face from Thick-town, Thickania. And so your dad. Do you know what they were scanning Reinette‘s brain for? Her milometer. They want to know how old she is. Know why? ‘Cause the ship is 37 years old. And they think when Reinette is 37, when she‘s complete, then her brain will be compatible. ‘Cause that‘s what you‘re missing, isn‘t it, hmm? Command circuit, your computer. Your ship needs a brain. And for some reson, God knows what, only the brain of Madame de Pompadour will do. Well,我想我在好几个世纪以前发明了香蕉鸡尾酒。。你造吗,他们之前竟然都没见过香蕉。总是带根香蕉去派对吧,Rose,香蕉都是好东西啊。 噢,太棒了,是你们。你们是我的最爱啊,真的。你们是最棒的。你知道为什么吗?因为你们真的好猪啊。你是猪先生,猪,肥猪,人头猪脑,来自蠢猪城的死蠢猪,还有你的父亲也是。 你知道他们为什么要扫描Reinette的大脑吗?为了看她的计程表,想知道她多少岁。你造为啥吗?因为这艘船已经37岁了,它们认为只有Reinette到了37岁,她就“完善”了,那么她的脑也匹配了。因为这就是你们差的东西,对吧?你的电脑的环绕回路。你的飞船需要一个电脑。而天知道为什么只有Madame de Pompadour的大脑才行。 -Clock: The brain is compatible. -10th:Compatible? If you believe that, you probably believe this is a glass of wine. Multi-grade anti-oil. If it moves, it doesn‘t. Right, you two, that‘s enough lying about. Time we got the rest of the ship turned off. 匹配吗?如果你这样认为,那你大概也会认为我这是一杯红酒。多重级别抵抗油。如果它动了,那是不可能的。对了,你们两个也躺够了,是时候我们把这船上的其余电脑也关掉。 -Micky: Those things safe? 那些东西安全吗? -10th: Yep, safe. Safe and thick. The way I like them 安全得很。又安全又笨,我就喜欢这样的他们