Doctor Who Review S1E1 - Rose

Doctor Who Review S1E1 - Rose

2015-07-14    05'15''

主播: 大卫甜纳特

96 14

S1E1 Doctor Who was cancelled by 1989 due to poor rating And movie in 1996 unfortunately did not secure enough support to get the series to return immediately Doctor Who finally returned to screens in the 2005 episode “Rose” Told you the main characters in the episode being Rose Tyler The new traveling companion of a mysterious man Known only as The Doctor 微信公众号:LeoBritishEnglish Rose essentially a typical everyday girl who’s heading off to work Only to suddenly before an interaction as a mysterious man saved her from an army of shop window manikins Run The mysterious man introduced her himself as the Doctor and seen blows the building The next day the Doctor trapped the signal to her house chasing one of the shop window manikins’ arm That Rose accidentally took with her Rose soon flagged down Clive Finch by searching the mysterious man online Clive Finch essentially conspiracy fares to as a tone of the information about the Doctor And warns Rose about the dangerous that come with going with him The Doctor is a legend woven throughout the history, when disaster comes he’s there He brings the storm in his wake. And he has one constant companion. Who’s that? Death. Meanwhile Rose Tyler’s boyfriend Mickey is eaten by a CGI been with about sound effect Mickey’s replicate by the shop window manikins who are actually an old enemy of the Doctor Known as the Old toms(?) But that doesn’t stop Mickey from turning up for dinner at the pizza restaurant Resulting in a short chase scene as the Doctor tries to save Rose Bringing he has the Tardis It’s called the Tardis this thing T-A-R-D-I- S, that’s Time And Relative Dimension in Space They chased down the commander in control of the all toms turn to instinct into the Nestene Consciousness Arriving at the River Thames where helps the Doctor to discover the transmitter The Nestene Consciousness is using to control the all toms What is it? What? Oh.. Fantastic! While the Doctor tries to reason with vast group known as the Nestene Consciousness Rose discovered real Mickey and they’re all captured as the Nestene Consciousness begins its evil invasion With her mother in danger along with herself , Mickey and the Doctor, Rose swings in to save the Doctor as wild as antiplastic that was brought up earlier Falls into the back and killing of the Nestene Consciousness And wandering off all toms of the line The Doctor drops off Rose and Mickey and suggests Rose to company him She quickly accept being bored with the life she used to know and joins the Doctor Thanks Thanks for what? Exactly. Well the episode does well establishing a new series of Doctor Who It is obviously and slightly more children to target a large age range Including many of the Doctor scenes being comedic and comedic scenes including been seen Where perhaps after devouring Mickey Christopher Ecclestone sells the role of the 9 incarnation of the Doctor And measly betrays him in the loveable mysterious light With surrounding characters help to train the Doc character Especially in the case in Fortune of Clive Finch Who proves his own research right as another person to die when the Doctor is nearby Rose feels a little bit bitchy due to her performance in this episode Especially given her last line to her boyfriend Mickey when she essentially leaves him for the Doctor Over all this is good introduction of Doctor Who without needing too much back story on Who the Doctor actually is and dangers become with traveling him While also providing a sense of live comedy and all Tune in next time the next episode The end of the world This is the year 5 billion and this is the day, hold on, welcome to the end of the world. 微信公众号:LeoBritishEnglish