RSC - Richard II Soundtrack

RSC - Richard II Soundtrack

2016-03-18    06'23''

主播: 大卫甜纳特

367 22

Music do I hear 我听到的是音乐吗 Keep Time. 注意拍子. How sour sweet music is, 美妙的音乐竟能如此讨厌 when time is broke and no proportion kept! 只因打乱了拍子 音色失和 So is it in the music of men&`&s lives. 人生的音乐亦是如此。 I wasted time, 我曾虚度光阴 and now doth time waste me. 而现在时光的洪流将把我卷走 This music mads me; let it sound no more; 这音乐让我发狂 快停下吧 for though it have help madmen to their wits, 音乐虽能帮疯子恢复理智 in me it seems it will make wise men mad. 于我却似乎能把智者逼疯 Yet blessing on his heart that gives it me! 但还是祝福那为我奏乐的人 For &`&tis a sign of love; 他毕竟是一番好意 and love to Richard 而对于理查 is a strange brooch in this all-hating world 在这满是敌意的世上 好意无意识珍奇的宝物