【NO.42】中秋特辑《Papa Please Get the Moon for Me》

【NO.42】中秋特辑《Papa Please Get the Moon for Me》

2016-09-08    05'04''

主播: 张容铨四年级三班

1070 7

This story literally unfolds as pages open dramatically, extending both outward and upward. Monica wants the moon to play with, so her Papa sets out to get it for her. It isn&`&t easy to climb all the way to the moon, but he finally succeeds--only to find that the moon is too big to carry home! The way the problem is resolved is a joyful surprise. Illustrated. 好牛儿童品牌的创始理念,就是利用互联网技术,将青少年的阅读、教育、生活消费和服务消费有效结合的一个服务平台。