

2016-01-12    04'41''

主播: ᴷ¹

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艰难岁月中的这九件事,没有人会告诉你 Who likes difficult times? I know I don’t. I don’t think you do either. But guess what? I am in love with difficult times. Obviously when they happen, they make you feel totally alone, worthless and even stupid. 谁喜欢艰难时期?我想大家都不喜欢。但是你知道吗?我爱艰难时期。显然,当你陷入困难时,你会感到孤独、无价值甚至愚蠢。 But after they have gone, and I reflect on the things that I’ve learned rather than the bad times, I feel I have gained a gold mine because these times reveal who I am, and they teach me many important life lessons. It’s how you react to those situations that shows your true identity. 但是当它们已成往事,我回想我所学到的,不仅仅是艰难时期本身,我感到我得到了一座金矿,因为这样的困难让我知道了我是谁,教了我很多重要的人生哲理。正是你对待这种情况的方式表明了你是什么样的人。 Here’s what happens when you go through difficult times. 以下是你经历困难时必然会发生的九件事。 1. You learn new things. 1.你会学习新的东西。 When you go through difficult times (those times that you hate), you are under pressure, worry, anxiety or all of the above. 当你经历艰难时刻(那些你讨厌的时刻)时,你会有压力,感到担忧,焦虑,甚至三者皆有。 You learn how to manage them, you learn how to work under pressure, you learn how other people behave, you learn if you are the one who always gets help from people or the one from whom people run away, you learn to stretch your limits and know that you are capable of doing more than you think. 你学习怎样控制它们,怎样在压力下工作,别人是怎样做的,无论你是一个总能从他人那里得到帮助还是一个他人避之不及的人,你都会学习到一些东西,你会知道如何突破自己的极限,知道自己能做的远比想象中的多。 2. You learn to be proactive. 2.你要变得积极主动。 There comes a time when you have to take action even if you don’t want to. That’s why they’re called difficult times. And the more action you take, the more results you get. When you become proactive, you gain the advantage over others as 80% of people hate being proactive. It’s the remaining 20% — the proactive people — that bring the results. 有些时候,即使你不想行动,你也必须行动。这就是艰难时期被称作艰难时期的原因。你行动越多,成效就越多。当你变得积极主动时,你就比别人有优势,因为80%的人讨厌主动出击。就是剩下20%积极主动的人带来了成果。 3. You really learn what responsibility means. 3.你真正了解到了你的责任是什么。 Being personally responsible for everything we do is a trait very few people have and if you want to get an extra advantage, grab this opportunity. When you are going through difficult times, accept your responsibility and start doing work. 对自己所做的每一件事都负责任是很少人才有的一个特质,如果你想要有额外的优势的话,就抓住这个机会。当你遇到困难时,承担起责任,开始工作吧。 Don’t grudge over past mistakes or waste time complaining. Responsibility is accepting the task you were supposed to do and doing it without any complaints. When you make it a habit, things will begin to change and you’ll begin to see results quickly. 别纠结于过去的错误或是浪费时间在抱怨上。所谓责任就是接受你应接受的任务,再毫无怨言地完成它。当这成为一种习惯时,事情就会发生变化,很快你就会见到成效。 4. You become master at difficult things. 4.在困难的事情上,你会成为专家。 The person who is proactive and is willing to accept responsibilities will not be afraid of doing difficult things. He knows he’s learning so much and the only way to be great at something is to do difficult things first. 积极主动的人愿意承担责任,而且不怕做困难的任务。他知道他学了很多,在一件事上达到卓越的唯一途径就是先做困难的事。 5. You get support of other helpful people. 5.你会得到他人的支持。 When people see you working hard, they genuinely want to help you as they know that you are a kind of person who will always help them. And also because they know that by helping you, they’ll be helping many people in the process through who you are connected. 当别人看见你工作努力,他们会真心愿意帮助你,因为他们知道你是那种永远愿意帮助他们的人。他们也知道,帮助你,也许就是帮助许多其他与你有联系的人。 People want to make some impact and when they see someone making it, they naturally feel inclined to help them. 人们希望对事情做出些影响,当他们看见有人这样做时,自然而然就倾向于帮助他们了。 6. You earn the trust of your subordinates. 6.你会得到你下属的信任 People are tired of office politics and mean co-workers. When you stop complaining and take personal responsibility for your task, your behavior is rare and you gain the trust of your subordinates. Everyone wants to be around the person who is genuine and helpful. 人们都讨厌办公室政治和刻薄的同事。不抱怨,承担起责任的行为是很少见的,这样做,你就会得到下属的信任。所有人都喜欢真诚、乐于助人的人。 7. Your self-confidence increases in an amazing way. 7.你的自信以一种神奇的方式增强 Slowly, as things begin to change around you as a result of your behavior and you begin to see positive results, you become confident in your work. 渐渐地,当你的行为使你的环境发生变化,你也看见了积极的结果时,你对你的工作会更自信。 8. Things don’t seem hard to you now. 8.慢慢的,事情就不再困难了。 We don’t need more skills, we only need more confidence. When you have the confidence in you to do the difficult things with the required support, things that seem hard to others are part of the routine for you as all the hard work and efforts have finally paid off. 我们不需要更多的技巧,我们只是需要更多的自信。当你做困难的事时有信心,且有人帮助,这些别人看起来很难的事对你来说已经是很平常的了。这就是你努力的回报。 9. You become fearless. 9.你变得无所畏惧。 The only way to overcome fear is to take action. And you are by now fearless because you took action, you took responsibility and when the right people supported you, your confidence grew. 克服恐惧的唯一方式就是采取行动。因为你已经采取了行动,承担起了责任,你就变得无所畏惧了。当合适的人来支持你时,你的信心就更强了。