The Ugly Duckling  丑小鸭  第一章 The Ugly DucklingHatches

The Ugly Duckling 丑小鸭 第一章 The Ugly DucklingHatches

2016-07-10    03'22''

主播: 蓝灵儿®

215 4

The Ugly Duckling Chapter 1 The Ugly Duckling Hatches 第一章 丑小鸭出壳 A mother duck sits on many eggs . Crack ! Crack ! The pretty little ducklings hatch from the eggs . The ducklings say ,"Peep ,Peep !" The mother duck says ,"Quack ,quack !" Crack !The last egg hatches . "Peep ,peep !" The duckling is big and ugly . The mother duck says , "You are not like the other ducklings . You are big and ugly !" The mother duck takes her ducklings to the water . The ducklings swim .They have fun in the water . But they don't play with the Ugly Duckling . They say ,"You are too big and ugly . We don't want to play with you ." They Ugly Duckling goes to a farm . “Can I play with you?”he says to the farm animals. “No, you can't. We don't like you. You are a big ugly duckling.Go away,” they say. “Nobody likes me,” the Ugly Duckling cries and he runs away.