欣的童话157-伊索寓言1(狮子和老鼠 The Lion And The Mouse)20161230

欣的童话157-伊索寓言1(狮子和老鼠 The Lion And The Mouse)20161230

2016-12-30    04'48''

主播: 欣的童话

69 3

很久很久以前…… Once upon a time , 一只雄狮在大树下睡 得正酣。 A great lion slept happily under a big tree. 一只小老鼠突然跑到了他的身上。 他把这只百兽之王弄醒了。 狮子用爪子摁住了老鼠, 愤怒地嘶吼起来。 A little mouse accidentally ran up on his body. The great king woke up. He placed his paw upon the mouse and shouted angrily. “嗷! “Roar 你怎么敢吵醒我! How dare you wake me ? 我要吃了你。” I will eat you." 老鼠害怕地颤抖起来。 他求饶道: “伟大的狮王啊,这是一个意外。 我从来没打算要冒犯于您。 请放了我吧。 有一天我能帮上您的。” The mouse trembled with fear. He cried for life. "The great lion, it was an accident. I did not intend to offend you. Please let me go. I may be able to help you one day." “哈哈哈……” 狮子笑了。 “像你这样的小老鼠能帮我什么呢? 不管怎样, 我会饶恕你并且放你走。” 老鼠很高兴。 他向狮子道谢后,便飞快地跑开了。 "Ha ha ha..." The lion laughed. "How can a tiny mouse like you do that? Nevertheless, I forgive you and let you go." The mouse was very glad. He said ," thank you !" and hurriedly ran away. 一天, 狮子落入了猎人的圈套。 他奋力挣扎,但却徒劳无功。 狮子在绝望地咆哮。 One day, the lion was caught in a hunter's trap. He tried to escape but could not. The lion roared desperately. 老鼠听到了吼声。 他记得这是狮子的声音。 The mouse heard that voice. He remembered it was the lion's. 老鼠急匆匆地前去救援。 他咬断一根根绳子,直到把圈套弄得支离破碎。 强大的狮子对小老鼠感激涕零。 The mouse hurriedly came to help. He bit the trap strand by strand until it tore apart. The great lion was very grateful to the little mouse. 不要轻视弱者, 也许有一天他会救你于危难之中。 Moral Do not look down upon the one who has less power, since he might save you one day. ⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄