Henny Penny 小母鸡潘妮 One day Henny penny was eating corn in the farmyard when... 有一天,小鸡潘妮正在院子里吃玉米 ... whack!...an acorn fell on her head. 咣当一声!一个橡子掉在她头上。 "Oh,my,"said Henny Penny. “哦,天啊,”小鸡潘妮吓坏了。 "The sky is falling!The sky is falling. I must go and tell the King." “天要塌下来了!天要塌下来了!。 我必须要去告诉国王!” So she went along and she went along and she went along until she met Cocky Locky. 所以她就去了,她走啊走走啊走直到遇见了公鸡洛奇。 "Hello,Henny Penny,"said Cocky Locky. “你好,潘妮,”洛克公鸡说。 "where are you going?" “你要去哪里呀?” "The sky is falling and I must go and tell the King,"said Henny Penny. “天要塌下来了我必须得去告诉国王,”小鸡潘妮说。 "Oh!May I go with you?"asked Cocky Locky. “哦!我可以和你一起去吗?”公鸡洛奇问。 "Certainly!"said Henny Penny. “太好了!”小鸡潘妮说。 So they went along and they went along and they went along until they met Ducky Lucky. 所以它们就去了,它们走啊走、走啊走直到遇见了小鸭拉奇。 "Hello,Henny Penny and Cocky Locky,"said Ducky Lucky. “你们好,小鸡潘妮、公鸡洛奇,”小鸭拉奇说。 "Where are you going?" “你们要去哪里呀?” "The sky is falling and we must go and tell the King,"said Henny Penny and Cocky Locky. "天要塌下来了我们要去告诉国王," 小鸡潘妮、公鸡洛奇回答道。 "Oh,May I go with you?"asked Ducky Lucky. “哦,我可以跟你们一起去吗?”小鸭拉奇说。 "Certainly!"said Henny Penny and Cocky Locky. “太好了!”小鸡潘妮和公鸡洛奇说。 So they went along and they went along and they went along until they met Goosey Loosey. 所以它们就去了,它们走啊走、走啊走直到遇见了小鹅露西。 "Hello,Henny Penny and Cocky Locky and Ducky Lucky,"said Goosey Loosey. “你们好,小鸡潘妮、公鸡洛奇,小鸭拉奇,”小鹅露西说。 "Where are you going?" “你们要去哪里呀?” "The sky is falling and we must go and tell the King,"said Henny Penny and Cocky Locky ,Ducky Lucky. "天要塌下来了我们要去告诉国王," 小鸡潘妮、公鸡洛奇、小鸭拉奇回答道。 "Oh,May I go with you?"asked Ducky Lucky. “哦,我可以跟你们一起去吗?”小鹅露西说。 "Certainly!"said Henny Penny and Cocky Locky,Ducky Lucky. “太好了!”小鸡潘妮和公鸡洛奇,小鸭拉奇说。 So they went along and they went along and they went along until they met Turkey Lurkey. 所以它们就去了,它们走啊走、走啊走直到遇见了火鸡乐奇。 "Hello,Henny Penny and Cocky Locky and Ducky Lucky and Goosey Loosey,"saidTurkey Lurkey. “你们好,小鸡潘妮、公鸡洛奇,小鸭拉奇,小鹅露西,”火鸡乐奇说。 "Where are you going?" “你们要去哪里呀?” "The sky is falling and we must go and tell the King,"said Henny Penny ,Cocky Locky ,Ducky Lucky and Goosey Loosey. "天要塌下来了我们要去告诉国王," 小鸡潘妮、公鸡洛奇、小鸭拉奇、小鹅露西回答道。 "Oh,May I go with you?"asked Turkey Lurkey. “哦,我可以跟你们一起去吗?”火鸡乐奇说。 "Certainly!"said Henny Penny,Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky and Goosey Loosey. “太好了!”小鸡潘妮,公鸡洛奇,小鸭拉奇和小鹅露西说。 So they went along and they went along and they went along until they met Foxy Loxy. 所以它们就去了,它们走啊走、走啊走、走啊走直到遇到了狐狸乐希。 "Greeting,Henny Penny,Cocky Locky,Ducky Lucky,Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey,"said Foxy Loxy. “你们好,小鸡潘妮、公鸡洛奇,小鸭拉奇,小鹅露西,火鸡乐奇”狐狸乐希说。 "Where are you going?" “你们要去哪里呀?” "The sky is falling and we must go and tell the King,"said Henny Penny and Cocky Locky and Ducky Luckyand Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey. "天要塌下来了我们要去告诉国王," 小鸡潘妮、公鸡洛奇、小鸭拉奇、小鹅露西和火鸡乐奇回答道。 "You'll never get there in time,"said Foxy Loxy. “你们不可能及时到达那里,”狡猾的乐希说。 "Come with me and I'll show you the shortcut." ”跟我来,我告诉你们有条近路。“ "Certainly!"said Henny Penny,Cocky Locky,Ducky Lucky,Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey. “太好了!”小鸡潘妮,公鸡洛奇,小鸭拉奇,小鹅露西和火鸡乐奇说。 And they followed Foxy Loxy right into his cave. 他们跟着狐狸乐希到了他的洞穴。 Henny Penny,Cocky Locky,Ducky Lucky,Goosey Loosey and Turkey Lurkey were never seen again... 小鸡潘妮,公鸡洛奇,小鸭拉奇,小鹅露西和火鸡乐奇再也见不到国王了 ... ...and no one ever told the King the sky was falling. …也没有人告诉国王天要塌下来了。 阅读 tips (1)单词 Words: farmyard [ˈfɑ:mjɑ:d] 农家宅院,acorn [ˈeɪkɔ:n] 橡子,king [kɪŋ] 国王,cave [keɪv] 洞穴 (2)动物 Animals: hen [hen] 母鸡,cock [kɒk] 公鸡,duck [dʌk] 鸭子,goose [gu:s] 鹅,turkey [ˈtɜ:ki] 火鸡,fox [fɒks] 狐狸