We run things.things don't run things

We run things.things don't run things

2017-09-02    01'55''

主播: 娜叫一个亮

44 0

Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere 举杯欢庆,激情热舞 Hands in the air like we don't care 挥动双臂,毫不在乎 'Cause we came to have so much fun now 欢乐无限,乐趣无穷 Bet somebody here might be the one now 寻觅派对达人 If you're not ready to go home 你若无归家之心 Can I get a Hell no 就尽情狂欢吧 'Cause we're gonna go all night 今夜派对,风光无限 'Til we see the sunlight, alright 彻夜狂欢,直至天明 So la da di da di 准备好,啦答嘀答嘀 We like to party 我们爱派对 Dancing you and me 你我共舞 Doing whatever we want 随心所欲 This is our house, this is our rules 我们的地盘,我们做主 And we can't stop 我们无法停歇 And we won't stop 我们不会停歇 Can't you see it's we who own the night? 夜晚属于我们 Can't you see it's we who 'bout that life? 生活由我们缔造 And we can't stop 我们无法停歇 And we won't stop 我们不会停歇 We run things, things don't run we 是我们主宰世界,不是世界主宰我们
上一期: I can't take my eyes off you
下一期: There for you