Under rich, relentless skies 寥廓苍穹之下 I've been setting highs 我居高已久 I felt you walk right through me 感觉到你从身边走过 You're the thing that I invoke 你是我所欲所求 My all persistent goal 是我不磨灭的执念 Sent to make me queazy 使我黯然销魂 And oh, it's hard now 噢 事情已变得困难 With time, it works out 随着光阴流逝 事已成定局 To be human is to love 归于凡尘 亦是放手去爱 Even when it gets too much 即便需承载得再多 I'm not ready to give up 我也不会放弃 To be human is to love 归于凡尘 亦是放手去爱 Even when it gets too much 即便需承载得再多 I'm not ready to give up 我也不会放弃
上一期: Apologize
下一期: The Road Not Taken