

2020-07-11    02'08''

主播: 娜叫一个亮

162 1

The Birds’ Rondel 鸟雀小回旋曲 Now welcome, summer, with the sunshine soft, This wintry weather thou wilt overtake, And drive away the night so long and black! 欢迎你, 夏天,让你柔和的阳光 现在来接替这冬日般的天气, 把漫长的黑夜赶得就此远离! Saint Valentine, thou who art crowned aloft, The little birds are singing for thy sake: Now welcome, summer, with thy sunshine soft, This wintry weather thou wilt overtake. 圣瓦伦廷啊,小鸟在为你歌唱, 你戴着花冠高高坐在天庭里: 欢迎你, 夏天,让你柔和的阳光 现在来接替者冬日般的天气。 They have good reason to be glad, and oft, Since each has found his mate in bush and brake O blissfully they sing when they awake: 它们有理由时时要欢快歌唱, 因为个个在树丛里找到伴侣。 啊,听他们醒来时唱得多甜蜜: Now welcome, summer, with thy sunshine soft, This wintry weather thou wilt overtake, And drive away the night so long and black! 欢迎你,夏天, 让你柔和的阳光 现在来接替这冬日般的天气, 把漫长的黑夜赶得就此远离!