Night Thoughts Of You 夜的思念  作者: Romaine 翻译: 万水千山  朗诵:左罗

Night Thoughts Of You 夜的思念 作者: Romaine 翻译: 万水千山 朗诵:左罗

2016-06-08    04'28''

主播: 左罗813

471 12

Night Thoughts Of You 夜的思念 作者: Romaine (澳) 翻译: 万水千山 (伍家学) 朗诵:左罗 Under the gaze of the Banished Immortal 那凝视你的是那被放逐的神仙 Endless thoughts of you 对你的思念着不到边 Grow darker with the night 夜色越深便更加辽远 Clear skies 纯净上天 One hundred thousand stars 繁星成千上万 Fulgent moon silent 月儿宁静 光辉灿烂 Light my path 照亮我 Silver with frost 银霜铺满的路面 The cold in these mountains is numbing 冷风呀是那么的麻木不仁 穿行在崇山峻岭间 It seeps into the crevices of my heart 将我裂开的心脏渗入填满 I stare into the distance 我紧盯那地方如此遥远 Seek your eyes 想要找寻你的双眼 There is only emptiness 只能把空虚看见 My thoughts rush with the mountain river 我的思念 和大山大河一起涌现 Ice-cold rocks worn smooth 冰冷 奔流不断 By endless torrents 将岩石磨圆 I cannot find you between heaven and earth 我找不到你 在那天堂和人间 Or in my dreams 或是在我的梦里面 In my broken heart 我伤透的心肝 Only endless thoughts of you remain 只有对你无穷的思念 2015.07.16