Best wishes,Tim

Best wishes,Tim

2019-07-07    01'38''

主播: TimFlash

1089 7

A boy will make you think he fell in love with you, but he really doesn't. A girl will make you think she doesn't love you, when she really does. Is that true? 我倒是没有什么好怀疑自己的啦。 I hope the second part is real, then, I shall be very happy. 爱上一个人就像搬进一座房子 一开始你会爱上新的一切 陶醉于拥有她的每一个清晨 但经年累月的房子外墙开始陈旧 你会因为她本该完美的不完美 而渐渐不再那么爱她 然后你渐渐谙熟所有的破绽和瑕疵 而这些都是会赋予你归属感的小秘密 Do I have any secret? I hope so. Best wishes, Tim. Best Wishes.
上一期: 哈老师,小幸运
下一期: 交错的告别