Tell Me You Do Too——欧阳娜娜

Tell Me You Do Too——欧阳娜娜

2020-06-25    03'09''

主播: --殇--

995 54

作曲 : 欧阳娜娜 Nana Ouyang/Trevor Dering,作词 : 欧阳娜娜 Nana Ouyang/Trevor Dering,编曲Arranger:Valentin Fritz,Your eyes in the moonlight,月光下,你的眼睛,One kiss with a goodnight,一个吻,一句晚安,Is how I want to end everyday,是我想要结束每一天的方式,New love with a Sunrise,我们相爱伴着日出,Hold hands at a stop light,在红绿灯前牵起手,It’s green but do you mind if we wait,灯变绿了,你介意再等一会幺,I feel like time,我感觉到,Passing me by,时光飞逝,Nothing around us can take this away,但没什么能带走我们之间的所有,Paris at night,夜晚的巴黎,With cars flying by,车流湍急,Don’t have to talk to know that It’s okay,不必多言,我们都懂,Cause you, pull me closer tell me you do too,因为你,拉近我,告诉我你也这样想,Listen to your stories ‘bout the MOON,听你讲那些关于月亮的故事,There’s all these things that I still wanna do,还有很多事,想和你一起做,Tell me you do too,告诉我你也这样想,Blue jeans with your T-shirt,蓝色牛仔裤搭配你的T恤,One smile and three words,一个微笑和三个字,Is how I want to start everyday,是我想要开始每一天的方式,在Five Guys,点两份薯条,Two Fries at the Five guys,Ice cream in the Sunshine,阳光下吃着冰淇淋,Melting in to nothing with you.我的心跟着一起融化了,I feel like time,我感觉到,Passing me by,时光飞逝,Nothing around us can take this away,但没什么能带走我们之间的所有,Paris at night,夜晚的巴黎,With cars flying by,车流湍急,Don’t have to talk to know that It’s okay,不必多言,我们都懂,Cause you, pull me closer tell me you do too,因为你,拉近我,告诉我你也这样想,Listen to your stories ‘bout the MOON,听你讲那些关于月亮的故事,There’s all these things that I still wanna do,还有很多事,想和你一起做,Tell me you do too,告诉我你也这样想,制作人Producer:Valentin Fritz,音乐总监Music Director:欧阳娜娜 Nana Ouyang,监制Chief Executive Officer:欧阳娜娜 Nana Ouyang,制作协力Product Supplier:黄渝杰 'UJ' Yu-Jie Huang  /  高力Li Gao   /  Lucas Carbonneau,吉他Guitar:Trevor Dering,和声Backing Vocals:欧阳娜娜 Nana Ouyang,混音Mixing Engineer:Valentin Fritz,母带Mastering Engineer:全相彦 Mora.Jeon,母带录音室Mastering Studio:OK Mastering Studio