This is my life.

This is my life.

2016-12-12    02'38''

主播: 靥.青舟

96 4

So many of my smiles begin with you. 我的笑颜多因你而起。 Every day may not be good,but there's something good in every day. 并非每天都顺利,但每天都会有美好的事情发生。 We are not made to be perfect of the time but we are made to do the best we can of the time. 不需要时时刻刻保持完美,但是需要时时刻刻尽力做好。 Whatever you do,please never give up. 无论做什么事情,都不要轻言放弃。 Can't hold it back anymore,let it go. 觉得无能为力,那就放手吧。 Sit, smile, breathe, repeat! 静坐,微笑,深呼吸。重复这个动作。 In the end, we all discover who's fake, who's true and who would risk it all for you. 谁虚伪,谁真诚,谁又会为了你不顾一切。最终我们都会看到。 You can't control everything.Sometime you just need to relax and have faith that things will work out.Let go a little and just let life happen. 不要期望能控制每一件事。有时候,你只需要放松,并坚信这件事一定可以得到解决。顺其自然,方得始终。 This is my life & I'm happy to be living it. 这是我的人生 & 我很享受。