绝命毒师S01E01 Day3-7小粉与老白说话区别

绝命毒师S01E01 Day3-7小粉与老白说话区别

2016-03-03    11'13''

主播: 意趣英语

1559 107

新浪微博 @意趣英语 公众微信 YiQuEnglish Walt: You and I will not make garbage. We will produce a chemically pure and stable product that performs as advertised. 咱俩不会做垃圾。我们要做跟宣传的一样的,化学纯度高并且稳定的产品。 As advertised 跟宣传的一样的,跟广告一样的 I just went to the store and bought the TV for 50% off as advertised. I can’t believe it was so cheap. 我刚去商店半价买了电视,跟广告说的一样。简直没法相信那么便宜。 Walt: These chemicals and their fumes are toxic, in case you didn’t know that. 这些化学品和烟雾是有毒的,如果你不知道的话提醒你一下。 ..., in case you didn’t know that. ..., 如果你不知道的话(提醒你一下) Be careful what you say. Mr. Reese has a bad temper, in case you didn’t know that. 小心说话,Reese先生脾气可不好,提醒你一下。 跟Pinkman学俚语 Pinkman: And the shit I cook is the bomb. I need to go home to get some shit, I’ll be right back. 我得回家拿点东西,马上回来。 The shit You have to try these noodles. They are the shit. 你得试试这面条,太棒了! Shit The manager is shit. He doesn’t know how to manage at all. 我得经理烂透了,他根本不知道怎么管理。 The bomb Cool, awesome Thanks for dinner. The food was awesome. 谢谢你的晚饭,很好吃。 Sweet Sweet! Did you get a new computer? 赞!你买了台新电脑? Something else Your presentation was something else. I’ve never seen anything like it. 你得演讲真棒,我从来没见过这样的。 新浪微博 @意趣英语 公众微信 YiQuEnglish