

2017-03-23    02'12''

主播: 意趣英语

645 43

本周小意开始《Sherlock》的讲解喽,有喜欢这部剧和学习英语的同学抓紧关注啦~ 除了地道实用的口语知识,还加入了英式英语和美式英语的发音与用词对比,内容超级丰富哟 好啦,剧情来到《Sherlock》第四季第一集,点击语音,开始吧~ Sherlock和他的哥哥本来正在谈正事,结果…… Look, not so long ago I was on a mission that meant certain death – my death – and now I'm back, in a nice warm office with my big brother and ... Are those ginger nuts? 当look单独用时,一般有两种意思 1. 看(把某人的目光指向一处) Look! Someone's wearing the same shirt as you. What a coincidence. 快看!有人跟你穿一样的T恤。好巧! Look! I sent you the message at 5 AM this morning. I told you I wasn't lying. 看,这信息是我早上5点给你发的。跟你说了我没撒谎。 2. 可以表强调,引起注意,也可以表达愤怒或者生气的情绪 Look, I already told you about this. Don't ask me again. 这我都跟你说过了,不要在问我了。 Look, there's no need to start arguing. That'll get us nowhere. 我们没必要开始吵。这并不能解决问题。 Look, we've already been through this. I don't want to talk about it anymore. 我们已经谈过这个了,我不想再谈了。 新浪微博 @意趣英语 公众微信 yiquenglish