

2018-01-17    06'16''

主播: 意趣英语

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更多实用有趣的内容,请关注: 公众微信 yiquenglish 新康微博 @意趣英语 情景对话: A: I heard eating out was expensive in the U.S. Is that true? 我听说在美国出去吃饭很贵,是真的吗? B: Yeah, kind of because of the taxes and the tips. 对啊,这是因为要加税还有小费。 A: How does tipping work? We don't do it in China. 小费是怎么回事?我们中国没有这个。 B: People usually leave 15%, but now it might even be 20% of the bill. 大家通常会留你这顿饭消费的15%作为小费,不过现在可能会留20%。 A: Wow, that's a lot. Do you have to leave that much? 哇这好多啊。你一定要留这么多的吗? B: I think it's minimum otherwise, they'll think you're cheap. But one time I didn't leave a tip. 我觉得这是最起码的,不然别人会觉得你很小气。不过又一次我没给小费。 今日知识点: Cheap 小气 Why are you so cheap? The large is only 50 cents more. 你怎么这么小气?大的也只是多加5毛。 Dirt cheap 非常便宜 Because of the sale, a smart TV is dirt cheap. 因为在打折,一部智能电视非常便宜。 Something is a steal 非常便宜,跟抢来的一样 I bought the house at an auction. It was a steal. 我拍卖买来的房子,简直跟抢来一样,太便宜了。 Cost next to nothing 跟不要钱一样 The table costs next to nothing. 这桌子跟不要钱似的。 Good deal 还不错,很便宜 It was a good deal. 还不错,挺便宜的。 更多精彩内容: 新浪微博 @意趣英语 公众微信 yiquenglish